速報APP / 財經 / SPTrader Pro HD+

SPTrader Pro HD+



檔案大小:20.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 11.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。

支援語言:簡體中文, 繁體中文, 英語

SPTrader Pro HD+(圖1)-速報App

Sharp Point 2016 全高清新程式

• 速度更快更穩定

• 更容易使用的界面

• 支援 iOS 8或以上, 特別適合現在使用iOS 9.0 或以上的用戶

SPTrader Pro HD+ 是一個真正的原生應用程式,配合全新全高清"觸式交易"模式,令你在智能手機或平板電腦上操作更快更流暢。

SPTrader ProHD+ 繼承 SPTrader 的優良傳統,以高速行情和交易取勝,實時帳戶盈虧和即時成交等資訊也是一目了然。

請即下載,你就能隨時隨地了解最新市場動態, 不會錯過每個投資時機!

SPTrader Pro HD+(圖2)-速報App


(如果有興趣登入, 請聯絡你的經紀商查詢。)

*建議使用 iPad Air/iPad Mini 2 或以上機型

Sharp Point new full HD app for iPad in 2016

• Faster and more stable

• More user-friendly interface

• Supports iOS 8 or above, and especially suitable for users with devices of iOS 9.0 or above

SPTrader Pro HD+(圖3)-速報App

Sharp Point new full HD app for iPad in 2016

• Faster and more stable

• More user-friendly interface

• Supports iOS 8 or above, and especially suitable for users with devices of iOS 9.0 or above

SPTrader Pro HD+ is a truly native app for iPad which provides full HD screen high speed “touch-to-Trade” for demanding traders.

It shares the same technology with Window version of SpTrader to communicate to your broker’s server. The speedy market data and trading response will be guaranteed. It integrates essential real time account, orders and trades information on a single mobile’s screen which is inherited from the SPTrader tradition.

To learn more about the market dynamics, download the app now! Don't miss any investment opportunity!

SPTrader Pro HD+(圖4)-速報App

New functions will be released continuously to meet users' needs and demands.

If you are interested in the app, please contact your broker for more details.

*Recommended to run on iPad Air/iPad mini 2 or above

SPTrader Pro HD+(圖5)-速報App
